English Grammar Drills By Mark Lester


English Grammar Drills Book By Mark Lester

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English Grammar Drills Book By Mark Lester

This book focuses on the grammatical problems that prevent speakers at your level from achiev-
ing a native-like command of English grammar. While the book covers most areas of English
grammar, it has a heavy concentration on those aspects of grammar that have proven to be the
greatest obstacles for intermediate and advanced nonnative speakers.
 The book has an unusual format. Most topics are broken into small mini-units, most of
them no more than a page or two. Each of these mini-units is supported by an exercise cover-
ing just the material in that mini-unit. The explanations help you understand the material, but
it is the exercises that enable you to gain active control over it. All of the exercises have complete
answers in the back of the book. It is very important for you to work through these exercises.
There is a world of difference between the passive knowledge gained by reading the explanations
and the active command gained by writing out the exercises.
 English Grammar Drills is organized into three parts: Part 1 covers noun phrases, the fi rst of
the two fundamental building blocks of English grammar. Noun phrases function as the subjects
of sentences, the objects or complements of verbs, and the objects of prepositions.
 Part 2 explores verb phrases, the second of the two fundamental building blocks of English
grammar. Verb phrases contain three components: the verb, the complement, and the optional
 Part 3 examines sentences. The main topics are how to form and use active and passive
sentences, how to form questions and negatives, and how to change direct quotations to indirect
 Each chapter is self-contained. Unlike a conventional textbook, you do not need to start on
page 1. You may begin with whatever topic you would like to gain more active control over.

English Grammar Drills

                                       English Grammar Drills is a English pdf book. its better for English grammar learner and students who are not qualify in english.Here in this blog share this book free of cost. so every person free download English Grammar Drills pdf book.

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Proper and common nouns
There are two basic types of nouns in English: proper nouns and common nouns. Proper nouns
are the names of specifi c individuals, places, and things; common nouns are the names of classes
of persons, places, and things.
        For example, Ruth Ginsburg, Texas, and Microsoft Corporation are proper nouns. Woman,
state, and company are common nouns. The most obvious distinction between proper nouns and
common nouns is that proper nouns are capitalized. Compare the proper nouns and correspond-
ing common nouns in the following list:
Proper noun        Common noun
Gregory House                    doctor
Florence Nightingale            nurse
Mayo Clinic                     hospital
Mississippi                            river
Atlanta                                     city
Washington Post           newspaper
The Tempest                         play

and so on...

Book Title :

                     English Grammar Drills

Book Writer :

                     Mark Lester

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